
by Tim

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Sand Dunes - Nevada

Sand Dunes - Carson Desert, Nevada. Photo shows the wagon O'Sullivan used to carry photographic equipment. Geological exploration of the fortieth parallel Clarence King.
Photograph by T.H. O'Sullivan - 1867.

Click here to visit the Library of Congress website to view photographs by Timothy H. O'Sullivan.

Black Canyon

Photograph showing rock walls of Black Canyon along the Colorado River. Published in: Wheeler's photographic survey of the American West, 1871-1873 by George M. Wheeler ; with 50 landscape photographs by Timothy O'Sullivan and William Bell.
Photograph by T.H. O'Sullivan - 1873.

Click here to visit the Library of Congress website to view photographs by Timothy H. O'Sullivan.

Shoshone Falls

Shoshone Falls, Snake River, Idaho. Part of geographical and geological explorations and surveys west of the 100th meridian, expedition of 1874, under command of Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Eng'rs.
Photograph by T.H. O'Sullivan - 1874.

Click here to visit the Library of Congress website to view photographs by Timothy H. O'Sullivan.

Inscription Rock

Photograph showing rock in New Mexico with a Spanish inscription translated as "By this place passed Ensign Don Joseph de Payba Basconzelos, in the year...1726." Published in: Wheeler's photographic survey of the American West, 1871-1873 by George M. Wheeler ; with 50 landscape photographs by Timothy O'Sullivan and William Bell.
Photograph by T.H. O'Sullivan - 1873.

Click here to visit the Library of Congress website to view photographs by Timothy H. O'Sullivan.

Drum Corps - 61st  NY Infantry

Drum Corps of the 61st New York Infantry. Falmouth, Va., March 1863.
Photograph by T.H. O'Sullivan - 1863.

Click here to visit the Library of Congress website to view photographs by Timothy H. O'Sullivan.

North Anna River, Virginia

Pontoon bridges on North Anna, below railroad bridge, where a portion of the 2nd Corps under Gen. Hancock, crossed 23d May, 1864.
Photograph by T.H. O'Sullivan - 1864.

Click here to visit the Library of Congress website to view photographs by Timothy H. O'Sullivan.

Confederate Prisoners

Confederate prisoners captured at cavalry fight at Aldie, Va., June, 1864.
Photograph by T.H. O'Sullivan - 1864.

Click here to visit the Library of Congress website to view photographs by Timothy H. O'Sullivan.

A Harvest of Death

A harvest of death, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania / negative by T.H. O'Sullivan; positive by A Gardner.
Photograph by T.H. O'Sullivan - July, 1863.

Click here to visit the Library of Congress website to view photographs by Timothy H. O'Sullivan.

Sand Dunes - Nevada

Photograph by T.H. O'Sullivan - 1867.

Black Canyon

Photograph by T.H. O'Sullivan - 1873.

Shoshone Falls

Photograph by T.H. O'Sullivan - 1874.

Inscription Rock

Photograph by T.H. O'Sullivan - 1873.

Drum Corps - 61st NY Infantry

Photograph by T.H. O'Sullivan - 1863.

North Anna River, Virginia

Photograph by T.H. O'Sullivan - 1864.

Confederate Prisoners

Photograph by T.H. O'Sullivan - 1864.

A Harvest of Death

Photograph by T.H. O'Sullivan - 1863.

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The Photographs of Timothy H. O'Sullivan

Tim_Ansel Adams
I tell the story in a Julie & Julia sort of way. I first learned about Timothy H. O'Sullivan while studying the history of photography at New York University in the spring of 1989. Professor Silver clicked back and forth in a slide show comparing O’Sullivan’s photograph, Ancient Ruins in the Cañon de Chelle, N.M., taken in 1873 with Ansel Adams’ view taken in 1942.

I became curious about this photographer who inspired Ansel Adams with his large-format, view camera. I then went to the Museum of Modern Art to view the photographs of O’Sullivan. At the time, I worked as a darkroom technician restoring old black and white photographs, while studying photojournalism at college.

New York University is an important place in the history of photography. This is where Brady's mentor, Samuel F.S.B. Morse, experimented with the new discovery he recently brought back from Paris — the Daguerreotype. His colleague, Dr. John William Draper, a chemistry professor, took one of the first known portraits with a camera on the rooftop of the university at Washington Square.

Little is known about O’Sullivan. As James D. Horan states in his biography, Timothy O’Sullivan: America’s Forgotten Photographer, “There were few clues, only his name, a four-line obituary...” Though we don’t know much about Tim. What remains are his photographs.

Tim - The ReplacementsOne day after class, I stood on the corner of Broadway and Tenth, the former location of one of Brady’s Studios. Looking at Grace Church, I thought about O'Sullivan and his photographs. Over to the right, down the street, is The Ritz where I saw The Replacements in 1986 perform songs from their album Tim. I then decided to write a book about O'Sullivan as a young apprentice at Mathew Brady's studio and the title would be Tim...

Daniel A. Sheridan

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